A letter to life.

According to the scientists, Today’s teenager is as stressed as a pyscho of 1960’s. Why strain yourself so much? 

Why to overthink?

Why to give importance to people’s opinions?

Just ask yourself why?
I constantly evoke myself to stay away from people who try to put me down, and so should you. 

Lets end 2016 with a beautiful note and start a fresh 2017!
How many of y’all watched Dear Zindagi? If you haven’t, you should! Its kind of philosphical, if you are planning to watch then must tell you that you are signing up for 3 hours of intense philosophy. 
Basically the idea here is to write down a letter to yourself, to your life about all the ups and downs you have faced and promise to improve yourself and become even more wiser in 2017. 

Here’s mine👇🏻
Dear Zindagi,
                     You have been complicated for a while and gave me so many temporary people in life but I am sure you are in the process of making me much stronger, so its all been fair till now, hope you’ll let me meet the special me in 2017 and make me even more stonger and wiser in the coming year.

                     Will write to you soon, again! 
Until then,


Khushi Bagga.

Go and write your letter soon, its a booster, trust me on this! Will come up with a new article next monday, until then, 


Just love yourself for who you are and keep the confusion away!


           And a very Happy newyear! ❤️🙈


                             Bbye for now! 

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