Be yourself🙌🏻

“I’m so annoyed”
“Everybody hates me”

“I’m so lonely”

“Everybody thinks I am not a good person”

Hello there!🙋🏻
Y’all must be wondering why did I write I all these negative lines; so here’s the answer to it!

I’ve learnt one major thing till now and I’m surely keeping it in my mind for the rest of my life!


There is always going to exsist a few bunch of people who really don’t like your presence and you just can’t help it, you ought to deal with it! You don’t have to speak sugar candies to please everyone. You got to be genuine to yourself and to everyone around, there is no need to sugar coat everything that you speak. Too much of sweetness leads to diabetes! 
You like something, compliment.
You don’t like something, shutup or say you don’t like it. 

Don’t be fake. The right ones will love you for who you are and the wrong ones will leave you for what you are. I’m not saying be blunt and rude to everyone, be smart enough to choose wise words so you sound  frank and also polite.
Be yourself and let the right ones cherish your presence! 

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